Knights of Columbus Online Prospect Page Program
We have improved the Online Prospect Form program for 2020. This new form has been designed to help streamline how your council gathers prospect information at events and church drives.
What changed?
This new form has been designed to enable any member of your council to recruit at events and drives. Your council no longer needs to request a page or contact supreme to update council contact information. Personalization has been built into this page to automatically notify you or your designated council officer when a prospect fills out the form. The same personalization has been built into the prospect facing emails. The only changes that you will notice are two additional fields that need to be filled out by the recruiter, they simply need to provide the council number and email address for the council member that should receive the prospect notification.
Why did we make this change?
We made this change to alleviate various pain points for councils when requesting a new page or making contact information updates. There is no longer any wait time, and requires no updating, this page is ready to be used by your council immediately.
What do you need to do?
No action is required on your part. The page is ready to be used immediately- simply share this new link with your council members.
Whose information should go into the “Council Contact Email” Field?
You can put any email address in this field. The email address entered in this field will receive a notification that the prospect filled out the form and will be the reply email address on the email sent to the prospect. Each council does this differently, so it is up to your council’s discretion as to who will serve as the contact person for new prospects. This can be your email address or a designated council officer. We recommend discussing this with your council to determine best practice.
Simply select the page below based on your location / language needs:
USA (English) Online Prospect Form:
USA (Spanish) Online Prospect Form:
USA (Washington, DC) Online Prospect Form:
Canada (English) Online Prospect Form:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]